Quince Brand Story

Quince started when we brought our work home. We built careers working for high-end brands, but investing in luxury clothing, jewelry, and home goods for ourselves was a rare treat. 


My Role in Quince:

Creative Designer | Photographer

  • Creative Leadership & Operational Innovation: Directed art for home and apparel, achieving 90% on-time launches and pioneered training programs, enhancing team proficiency and operational efficiency with tools like an India-based editing team and digital asset management improvements.

  • AI Integration & Marketing Efficiency: Led the integration of AI in marketing and product visualization, doubling editing speed, slashing costs, and employing AI for campaign planning, significantly enhancing creative output and operational efficiency.

  • Digital Strategy & Web Development: Spearheaded the creation of 35+ engaging landing pages and lookbooks, and optimized content management and SEO processes through a Trello system, elevating the online user experience and streamlining workflow.

AI Creative Designs

Digital Marketing Designs

Label Design


Direct Mail



Packaging Design
